Tuesday, August 2, 2011



Well we set this blog up... errr... a while back and have been busily avoiding adding anything to it. In this day of guerilla marketing, blogging, Facebook, Twitter and whatnot, does anyone have time to do it all? We've come to the conclusion that THEY DON'T.

Brad Ford insists that he blogs, tweets, meets and greets on a daily basis. REALLY???  It exhausts us just to think about it. At any rate, he's a genius - certainly one who's success we'd love to emulate. We're just trying to figure out how - balancing the work that we have to complete while reaching out to anyone who cares to listen out there on the interwebs.

We suppose we've set the tone for who we are and what we're about. Yes, we're sassy. Yes, we love to stir things up. And yes, we are great at pushing buttons. We try not to take ourselves too seriously... except for our design... then, STEP OFF!

Oh, yeah... we also want to use this forum for sharing design that we LOVE. Since we're in the middle of CD Hell for a commercial project, we'd like to take a moment to extol the virtues of Yabu Pushelberg who can be described in one word - EXQUISITE.

Until next time, GHI+D.

images courtesy of

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